Great training occurred today for teachers in WOISD during the second professional learning collaborative. There were a variety of sessions offered for teachers to be connected and collaborate with colleagues from across the district.
Below are just a few of the comments shared by more than 105 teachers about the training opportunities offered today.
- Evaluate past practices and make adjustments to instruction that will address the four big questions.
- Work with kids to higher level thinking from a cognitive point of view. Force kids to evaluate themselves as well as their surroundings and how to make them better.
- I will be more deliberate in designing big questions to guide instruction and study inquiry. I like the idea of the students crafting more questions and questioning each other, even permitting them to help design quizzes or test question banks.
- I will take ideas from the guided reading strategies such as authentic conversations to allow students to talk through word problems in math and to use powerful prompts and praises for specific tasks by students.
- We are well on our way with using project-based learning as an effective inquiry driven method of instruction.
- Impressed with teacher ideas and creativity and their desire to move to the next level.