Goal-setting: Begin with the end in mind


As a district we are participating in the new Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS).  The article, Goal Setting for Teachers: 8 Paths for Self-Improvement, provides you with a list of ideas to jump start your thought process and help you develop meaningful and relevant goals to support your professional growth.

Figure out what you need or want to do differently and write your goals so they align accordingly. A few suggestions for goals may be:

1. Strengthen Your Tech Skills

2. Take a fresh approach to content knowledge and pedagogy (TPACK)

3. Adjust your growth mindset

4. Be fearless when it comes to providing the best education for students. Take a chance and develop engaging and empowering lessons to provide ALL students with a ‘this century’ education.

For more information visit: www.cultofpedagogy.com





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